
ㄢ綟计 (Prime Number) ぇ丁畉иウ计丁回 (Prime Gap)

и嘿硂硂ㄢ计ぇ丁计丁回 (Length of Prime Gap)  dn - 1 

パи笵讽 n>1 n! + 2n! + 3...n! + n 琌计 (Composite Number) 

┪иσ納 P# + 2P# + 3... P# + Q - 1琌计ㄤい P < Q ㄢ綟计τ P#  P 硈 (Primorial) ぃぶ P ┮Τ计縩

弄ぃЙ靡ぃび螟 珿硂 dn 弧琌⊿Τ龟悔疭﹚计丁回环ゑ硂 P# ┪ n! Ν瞷

默孽计厩產孽膀 (Robert Alexander Rankin 1915 - 2001) 靡 dn 琌ㄌ酚计Α

芠计丁回莱繦计糤τ糤硂ぃ﹚ 23 ㎝ 29 ぇ丁畉 6 29 ㎝ 31 畉 2 堡и瞷癸硂阀├┮ぃ稱猭临琌瞦稱τ冈ǎ计丁回瞦稱ゅ

ㄤいェ吹 (Thomas Nicely) の瓣常 (Harvey Dubner) 癸计丁回冈灿耴㎝だ猂セ瞷ㄇ耴计ㄑ把σ

计丁回 (1-1999) (璣)

计丁回 (2000-3999) (璣)

计丁回 (4000-5999) (璣)

计丁回 (6000-7999) (璣)

计丁回 (8000-8999) (璣)

计丁回 (9000-9999) (璣)

计丁回 (10000-10999) (璣)

计丁回 (11000-11999) (璣)

计丁回 (12000 ) (璣)


Guy, R. K. "Gaps between Primes. Twin Primes" and "Increasing and Decreasing Gaps." ”A8 and A11 in Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 19-23 and 26-27, 1994.

Nicely, T. R. "First Occurrence Prime Gaps." http://www.trnicely.net/gaps/gaplist.html.

Nicely, T. R. "New Maximal Prime Gaps and First Occurrences." Math. Comput. 68, 1311-1315, 1999. http://www.trnicely.net/gaps/gaps.html.

Weisstein, E. W. "Prime Gaps." From MathWorld. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeGaps.html.

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